Be Willing To Learn
We’re all about empowering our clients to be as successful as possible, with or without us. This means we’ll make every effort to help you and your team get up to speed with what we’re doing, why and how it works. While we don’t expect everyone to want to dive into the technical details of how we do things, we like to ensure that our clients learn the reasons and strategies behind our recommendations and what we implement. [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Sequence is Everything – B2B, B2C – It’s all Human to Human
The real secret to marketing online? It’s all about developing relationships in a normal, human-compatible manor. You can think of the process of acquiring a customer and turning them into your biggest advocate, the same way you think about dating and marriage.
Offering a prospect a chance to get to know what you offer, and experience a positive and valuable first impression of your brand – before trying to sell them something, is the key to queuing up a long-term relationship with a customer.
We believe that every customer is on a journey. They’re looking to get from a problem state, to a problem-free state. By taking appropriate steps to provide value, and ask for an incremental amount of commitment (money or time) with each step, you’ll find that people who’ve never heard of you can quickly develop a strong, long-term relationship with your brand.
Starting by providing valuable initial information to a first-time website visitor, and turning them into a lead by giving them a chance to experience value while exchanging contact information. Then, as you get that first low-commitment sale, and each future sale, your customers will gain a stronger sense of loyalty to your brand throughout their journey.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Be Ready to Experiment – In Data We Trust
Your opinion, and even our own opinions, on whether a campaign, offer or piece of media will work doesn’t matter. We need to test it and trust the data.
Be ready to purposefully test wild and crazy ideas (within reason) and have many of them fail – and don’t be shocked when we suggest making a small tweak and trying it again!
We draw from experience, push the envelope and test/analyze/test again and again.
Remember “What you measure grows” – so we analyze and test everything.
8 out of 10 campaigns fail – on a good day! Anyone that tells you different is lying. It’s all about testing with failure as a potential expected outcome and limiting risk.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
You Cannot Outsource Marketing
We know we said “we’re in control,” but that “we” includes YOU. We cannot build your brand without you. We can’t stress this enough.
You may be on camera, on social media and in live chats frequently depending on campaign strategies.
It must always seem like you’re around and providing valuable information and tools – but your just out of reach of non-paying customers. You’ll become a constant person of value in your followers’ lives – while being rarely directly available to the public.
Let us be the filter to find the best ways to use your time – but expect to dedicate yourself to this process. [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
It’s all about SELLING
As a team we’re in the business of selling your expertise. Whatever industry you’re an expert in – you’re in the business of selling that expertise, not practicing the craft. We’ll give away nuggets of valuable information and make good on promises to help those we can – but in the end your customers will want to pay more to get closer to the source – you – as long as we keep the positioning of SELLING your expertise in mind.
You need to ensure everything we produce together is something your proud of. “Good enough” is not OK. If you don’t feel the urge to show it off to colleagues or clients, it needs more work – so let’s put in the work.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
You Need to Become a Buyer
If you’re not willing to pay for software, systems, courses, and expertise – why would someone be willing to pay you for yours?
Working with us is like skipping the digital marketing classes – you’ll learn a ton just by working with us, but we need to get to know what other people are willing to pay for. So, we’ll be making recommendations of software, tools, courses (especially from competitors of yours) in order to understand what is currently being successfully sold and why – and you’ll be expected to buy them, and even review them with us (if we ask).[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Expect Collapse
Building any business there’s nearly always a point where everything is going great – then something trips it up and it all comes crashing down. Sometimes this even happens twice. It’s usually caused by ego and getting too comfortable and excited. Staying humble and being ready to fight our way back to the top when things go wrong is the key to building an organization that can grow and endure.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Do or Die Deadlines
Procrastination is a part of life and immutable deadlines are the cure. We’ll set reasonable timelines together to avoid undue stress, and publicly announce dates of events and offer launches. We’ll need to all be willing to pull together to meet these deadlines – even when it sometimes involves an all nighter or a change in scope. Especially when we’re working with your Dream List and in the eye of the media (keep reading to learn more).[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Modeling Success
One of our favorite things to do is analyze both successful, and unsuccessful, marketing efforts by our competitors. When we see something that works – we like to run our own tests modeled after the successful campaign. Whenever we discover an interesting promotional concept that we think may work for you, we’ll let you know about it. So, be prepared for the occasional email pointing out an unrelated or competing offer.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Polarity: Love = $
We believe in using polarizing media to develop a strong following. This means publishing opinions, beliefs and stances that may not be shared by everyone… and it may involve some negative response from social media users. While we’ll stay away from hateful, hurtful or discriminatory comments and positions, expect a bit of polarizing campaign material and the associated backlash.
Remember, if 20% of people will love you, 20%will hate you and 60% will be indifferent – that 60% of indifferent followers who currently don’t buy from you can be converted into 30% (or more) people who love you – and those who already loved you, because they share the same beliefs, will love you even more.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Building The Machine
We believe in building a Marketing Machine for our clients. This means creating a solid foundation of systems that can be fueled to continuously produce customers and revenue. In order to do this properly, it requires some up front time and effort to build the systems, guidelines and data necessary before jumping too deep into developing ad campaigns. This doesn’t mean we aren’t focused on selling. We’ll constantly be developing offers, campaigns and even running pre-launch ads.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Keep Learning, Stay Relevant
You’re already an expert – but to truly stay that way you need to keep learning. We do it too – constantly reviewing new advertising platforms, systems, marketing techniques, taking courses and evaluating our competitors’ marketing materials and funnels.
In order to create a long-term sustainable brand, you need to stay ahead of the curve. There’s nothing wrong with publishing ideas/thoughts/opinions and experiences with new systems/techniques/strategies/products within your industry. We’ll just keep updating the related content overtime.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Specificity and Frequency over Broadness
We believe in creating many highly specific offers. It may take more time and investment, but in the end it provides far more data and many more qualified leads. The nice thing about digital advertising is you can easily copy/paste, start/stop and increase or decrease spending at a moments notice.
There’s no limit to the number of web pages, articles, landing pages, social posts and emails you can produce – so there’s no limit to the number of specific customers you can talk to in the exact way they need in order to fully believe in themselves, as well as your offer, and make the purchase. [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Customer Value Optimization
At the heart of our digital marketing strategy is the concept of Customer Value Optimization. The idea that we can increase and measure the value of a single customer over time, allowing us to pay more to acquire them in the first place.
The old immutable advertising rule is correct: Whoever can and will spend the most to acquire a customer wins.
Losing money or breaking even on a front end offer, in order to acquire the customer and have the opportunity to provide value (and potentially turn them into a long-term advocate and repeat buyer) is smarter than trying to get money out of a customer once.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
You’re the expert. You’ve spent the years developing your skills and experience. Your customers want that expertise. Your customers, and others in your industry, will pay to learn from you.
As a bonus of turning your expertise into a course or series of books/videos or other media, you’ll reorganize all that information in your head and become a sharper expert in the process – potentially discovering new offers or opportunities.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Take Criticism
It’s extremely important to take and give constructive criticism. Our team will respect you for providing us feedback, and we expect the same – especially when our feedback usually comes from your customers and associated traffic data.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Voice Your Opinion and Concerns
Communication is absolutely critical. Holding back concerns, wondering about things and letting issues build up without discussion is the bane of any relationship. You need to think of us like your business partners and don’t be worried about discussing tough subjects like billing, timelines, behaviors or anything else that comes to mind. If we don’t know that something is bothering you, we can’t fix it.
We’ll also let you know if we feel any concerns, and we expect normal civil consideration and a mutually respectful effort to resolve them. Arguments can happen, but we’re in it for the long haul, so let’s keep the communication open and work together to make everything we do as successful as possible.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
When we enter into an agreement, we consider you a part of our family. We won’t be holding back on any of our knowledge, ideas, techniques or systems and we expect you to keep this information to yourself and use it for the purpose intended; in cooperation with us for your campaigns. Our knowledge, documents, ideas and secrets are not to be disclosed to third parties or discussed outside agreed terms – and we agree to the same consideration in regards to your materials. You value your expertise, knowledge and abilities and we expect you to understand the value of ours as well.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
We always look internally to see who we can refer to your business, and we keep our clients in mind at all times as we go throughout our daily lives. If we didn’t believe you offer something of value, we wouldn’t be willing to work with you in the first place. So, from time to time, we’ll be referring our personal friends, family and acquaintances to your business. We simply ask that if you enjoy working with us and see the value in your services that you make the same effort to introduce us to anyone you feel we can help.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Online Reviews and Mentions
We’ll be promoting your business on our social channels, and leaving honest reviews of any experiences we have with your services. If we experience anything negative, we’ll bring it to your attention and offer an opportunity to resolve it, before making any mention of it online or offline. We appreciate the same effort and opportunity to be extended to us.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
We must disclose, up front, that we often do work with multiple businesses within the same industry. We will often apply similar campaign concepts and techniques to our other clients’ campaigns. However, while in an active agreement, we will not take on direct competitors to your business without disclosing and discussing such intent. At the same time, while we are in an active agreement, you must agree that you will not enter into business or agreements that will compete with our services. In all cases the agreement of non-disclosure will stay in place, and neither of us will use the other’s proprietary information to aid a competing business.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row][/vc_section][vc_section el_id=”help-section” css=”.vc_custom_1533231144447{background-image: url( !important;background-position: center !important;background-repeat: no-repeat !important;background-size: cover !important;}”][vc_row el_class=”container”][vc_column][vc_row_inner el_class=”help-section-text”][vc_column_inner width=”1/6″][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]We look forward to learning about your business and how we might help!
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